Dec 13, 2009


Do you know where your children are? This book will tell you where- in the clutches of Internet Pornography! As this publication entails, the "Devil's Down-Load" may be tempting them as we live & breathe! It is handily sized at 7 inches by 5 inches, making it ideal for shaking aloft whilst reprimanding wayward youth.
Clothbound at the Pitman Press in Bath & Hand-Illustrated in Vancouver, BC with inks & oils, this omnibus is guaranteed Smut-Free and is Fearsomely Informative.

Buy now and save yourselves from this growing menace! Contact Mssrs. Chop & Logik for details.


  1. Mr. Chop, I want to thank you from very bottom of my god-fearin' heart! I just knew my little Timmy was bein' led by the temptation of internet pornography, straight into the Devil's hands! With the help of your book, I've been able take back my little Timmy, and slap that bitch, the Devil, right in his pointy little face! For that, I am forever indebted to you. As a side note, I, myself, have also been able to cold-turkey the evils of internet pornography, what with the book being 7 inches by 5!

    Mrs. messingupmychildren-withreligion

  2. "Fearsomely Informative".
